
Dream home vs investment property: Make the right choice (and never look back)


In today’s economy, people scouring the market – especially first-time buyers – are tearing their hair out asking themselves the same question.

“Do I buy a home or an investment property”? Am I jeopardising my future if I choose one or the other? 


There is no right answer.

If you’re itching to buy either a dream home or investment property, but can’t figure out for the life of you which one to choose, the first step is to look in the mirror and answer yourself one simple question:

“What do I want in life?”

When you’ve answered that ultimate question, the choice becomes simple.

Why you should buy a dream home

Buying that dream home is an excellent option for a number of reasons:

  • You’ll feel huge emotional satisfaction. It’s the Aussie dream, after all!
  • You can forget about paying rent (i.e. dead money) forever. 
  • You can play around with the property as much as you like – renovate, build, decorate, demolish. You are the master of your own destiny (subject to council zoning rules, of course)
  • You don’t have to worry about tenants destroying your home or not paying your rent on time – you’re totally in control
  • You can save on capital gains tax! Confirm this with your accountant, but if you actually buy a home, live there for a while and move out, you can rent it out for six years without paying capital gains.

Why you should buy an investment property

Although there are many benefits to owning your own dream home, there are benefits to investing (as well).

  • Chances are (especially if you’re a first home buyer)  you can’t afford where you want to live. If you buy an investment property, you have a tremendous amount of more affordable (yet still awesome) options.
  • Passive income stream! Sit back, relax and watch your rent roll into your bank account without so much as lifting a finger.
  • You’ll get more borrowing capacity if you invest. Banks will look at the fact that you’ll be earning rent, which makes them think “Oh, you can service this loan. Perfect”.
  • You’ll get some pretty huge tax advantages. The debt on your property will be tax-deductible because your property is income-generating. That means you can claim back your interest repayments and other expenses on tax! (Confirm all this with your accountant, of course)
  • You can still have some flexibility. If you “rentvest” (rent where you live, and invest where you buy), you still can chop and change properties as you please. Which is kind of hard to do when you own where you live.

Don’t hold back: what sounds better for you?

The challenge for you now is to decide the lifestyle you want for yourself.

Does it suit investing or buying a dream home?

Look in the mirror – and picture your life 20 years into the future.

  • If your dream home is a Sydney waterfront mansion (and you can’t quite afford it right now), then perhaps an investment property is the better option. You may be able to one day by your dream home using the equity you’ve built up in your investments.
  • If you love to move around and aren’t quite ready to settle yet, consider an investment.
  •  If you’re looking for some security, no longer want a landlord and property inspections, and your dream home is within your budget, then perhaps now’s the time to pull the trigger – and buy that home.

Like we say – it all depends on your circumstances!

We know you’re a go-getter and don’t like to delay these kinds of decisions. So give us a call and the Investorfi team can help you make the right choice.


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This is what we do.

We are finance strategists in the Mortgage Broking industry, helping Australians build wealth through property investment.

Our sole purpose is to reinvent ways to keep the Great Australian Dream Alive. Because we believe it’s everyone’s right to the security home ownership affords our families and community. Yes, our niche is Finance Strategy for Property Investors, but it is not what we do that makes us tick;

Because property investment is a decisive step toward financial freedom, we cultivate lasting relationships with our clients. We ain’t just a ‘whame bam, see ya later man’ kinda outfit. In fact, our business is built entirely from our lasting relationships with our clients who have suggested us to their inner circle – their family and friends. That is a pretty big tick of approval and a sure vote of confidence.

This is How we do

What separates us from the rest?

Have you ever considered the difference between Mortgage Brokers?

A Broker worth their salt has a playbook of ‘scenarios’. They are finance strategies that have worked in the past. He will offer up one, two or even three scenarios that he thinks will work best for you. 

But the great ones challenge the status quo, strategising new plays that serve your unique situation and financial goals. They will study, visualise, and fine-tune before offering only the best scenarios that build a rewarding property Portfolio.  

They never let good be the robber of the best and only play to win!

InvestorFi is a group of finance strategists that will design a unique scenario for your state of play towards your long-term game plan.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Clients like Tony F. said: I couldn’t be happier with the service. Wayne was excellent in guiding me through and delivering a great investment loan. Very responsive and savvy investment brokers. Will continue to use their services in the next purchase. 

And like Kim, Wayne is extremely dedicated, professional and a pleasure to work with. He worked tirelessly to help me secure an alternate lender before the settlement date and was extremely prompt and clear in his communications with me. 


Robert wrote: Wayne is always very responsive and takes the time to lay out all the options in plain English.

Reviews like this make our souls sing. We’re in the business of helping people achieve real results that last!

So if you’re looking for a great Finance strategist like these incredible clients, you’re in the right place.

This is why we do

Gone are the days a single income could afford 2.5 kids, a pet, and a four-bedroom house in the burbs! 

At InvestorFi, our sole purpose is to reinvent the great ‘Australian Dream’. Because we believe it’s every citizen’s right to the security home ownership affords our families and community, not just for today but for generations to come.

But because it’s become so difficult, it requires complex solutions. One way is to seek finance strategy before purchasing a home. This way, you can leverage your full potential to live where you want to and invest where you can afford to. 

Property ownership has become a game of ‘finance strategy’, placing a premium on finance know-how. That is why we value education; our mantra is knowledge equals freedom, but knowledge shared is freedom multiplied.  

There is no drought; we have hit a new era with its epic challenges. Not everyone is up for the grind it takes to keep the dream alive. That’s why we also place a premium on camaraderie. We don’t see ourselves as a ‘hit and run’ service but as a hub and a way of life.